Las Mujeres en
la Cultura 2009

Women's participation in cultural life is increasing daily. An increasing number of cultural activities are created by or star women, and year after year more women writers, artists, performers, actors, dancers and researchers…win important prizes in the cultural field.

Through this website devoted to women, the Ministry of Culture reflects the important achievements of women in culture, introduces their activities and offers information about various relevant subjects.

The growing importance of women in culture is reflected in the Ministry's programmes of activities, publications and awards. Also, in recent years hundreds of women have been trained and have specialised in cultural subjects and industries thanks to Ministry of Culture grants.

This space also reflects the Ministry's activities to celebrate International Women's Day, from its special participation in the Festival Ellas Crean (They Create Festival) which held its fifth edition in 2009 and forms part of the acts conmemorating the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, to the various acts it organises in-house to promote the important role played by women in all fields of culture.

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