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Presidencia UE 2010

Prospects for the development of training systems for the preservation and diffusion of the audiovisual heritage

Practical information:

Spanish Film Archive.
Cine Doré
Santa Isabel, nº 3
28012 Madrid

June 7th and 8th

Nº of people attending:

In general terms, we can say that film archives have not been included in the training structures created for the other institutions dedicated to the conservation, restoration and diffusion of other elements of the cultural heritage, and that the conservation and restoration of the material elements which contain film works are not integrated into the training on preservation of cultural goods.

The training of professionals and technicians has been assumed principally by film archives, with little or no relation with the educational community and, on the other hand, the knowledge generated by film archives has not been transmitted to the educational systems. At present, pushed over by the emergence of systems with completely different characteristics, traditional production systems and techniques, as well as the photochemical materials that carry classic film creations, are disappearing and, with them, the knowledge of the technical characteristics of these films.

The purpose of this Conference, therefore, is centred on learning how other institutions, such as Museums and Libraries, deal with the training of their technicians for the preservation and diffusion of the cultural heritage that they hold; to which extent the bodies dedicated to the European Cultural Heritage take into account the knowledge on the preservation of the audiovisual heritage, and how the educational systems incorporate, in case they do, the training on this matter; and, finally, it reflects on past European initiatives related to training in the preservation of the cultural heritage and on the experience by film archives in the production of educational contents.

We would try to detect the advisability and the possibilities of introducing into the different levels of learning the contents and subjects required for transmitting the knowledge on the preservation of the film heritage, as is the case with the other elements traditionally considered cultural goods and, if pertinent, we would put forward the opportunity of imparting specialized training at a European trans-national level that would contribute to the development of the idea of Europe in all matters related to the cultural heritage and its diffusion.



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