Formulario para BUSCAR dentro del Ministerio de Educacion,Cultura y Deporte

Ministry Organisational Chart

Lines of action at the Ministry of Culture

The action of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport revolves around three central themes: the acknowledgement of cultural diversity, the strengthening of co-operation and the consideration of culture as a tool for economic development and social cohesion.

These are the objectives that inspire the department's work, focused on the following lines of action.

Electronic Administration and Information Society

  • Tools for Electronic Administration:
    Implementation of tools to support the Electronic Administration: Electronic signature platform, Telematic register, Telematic payment gateway, Telematic notifications and Digital identity for Ministry employees.
  • Access on the Net to the Administrative Procedures:
    Publication on the Internet of administrative procedures to provide citizens access to the Administration with all the legal guarantees.
  • Computer systems:
    Improvement of the Ministry's management computer systems, which serve as support for the actions, as part of promoting the Information Society.


  • Conservation and promotion of the Spanish Documentary Heritage:
    Investments in buildings, security, facilities, restoration and aid to public and non-profit private institutions.
  • National and international promotion of the documentary heritage and the Archives:
    Implementation of projects such as PARES (Spanish Archives Portal), the Census-Guide to Spanish and Latin American Archives or the Sources Guide, which enable free, universal access to the information held in the Archives.
  • Training and technical assistance:
    Organisation of professional events and drafting of training and recycling plans, especially designed for the implementation of the new archival technologies, to improve the services provided and to overcome the traditional barriers to Archive access.
  • National and international archival co-operation:
    Co-ordination and participation in different professional forums.

Stage Arts and Music

  • Direct project management:
    Direct creation and promotion of programmes related to the promotion, protection and dissemination of music, dance, theatre and the circus from its central services or from its production, exhibition, documentation and training centres.
  • Collaboration with other public and private institutions:
    Co-operation with public and private entities both in specific projects and through its permanent activities.
  • Subsidies:
    Granting of subsidies for production projects, exhibitions and tours both in the public and private sector.


  • Library co-operation and co-ordination:
    Creation of structures and promotion of activities for co-operation and co-ordination of interests for libraries with national and international entities and organisations, both public and private.
  • Development and modernisation of the library services:
    Actions aimed at consolidating the Spanish Library System, such as co-operative acquisition of library collections and conducting projects that assist libraries in the process of cataloguing and classifying their collections (REBECA).
  • Bibliographic Heritage preservation and promotion:
    Development of preservation, conservation and promotion projects for the Spanish Bibliographic Heritage.
  • Creation and development of digital libraries:
    Promotion and execution of digital library creation projects, which provide access to the information, expand the library services offered and preserve the fragile original materials existing in the libraries.

Film and Audiovisuals

  • Promotion and organisation of Spanish film and audio-visual activities in their three aspects of production, distribution and screening:
    Through the concession of grants for film production and distribution and for the creation and modernisation of screening facilities; the age rating of the films and audio-visual works; the organisation and monitoring of the film and audio-visual operation, distribution and marketing and through the preparation of documentation, census and statistics about the activity of the film and audio-visual sectors.
  • Promotion of Spanish film making abroad:
    Through the national and international publicising of Spanish films, favouring their participation in festivals and other film events as well as representing Spain in the main international film and audio-visual bodies and forums.
  • Retrieval, restoration, conservation and promotion of the film heritage:
    Through the collection, analysis and cataloguing of film collections and other film documents; publicising these collections through the organisation of series, screenings or any other film events and carrying out and promoting research and studies, with particular emphasis placed on Spanish films.
  • National and international co-operation:
    Through relations with international bodies and institutions with similar aims and co-operation with the entities in the Autonomous Communities with film-related responsibilities.

Cultural co-operation

  • International co-operation:
    Co-ordination, promotion and follow-up of the co-operation actions and programmes carried out with the international bodies in which Spain participates. The co-operation may be bilateral, multilateral or institutional.
  • Promotion of Spanish culture:
    Conducting activities and programmes to support volunteer work and cultural tourism as well as co-operating with non-profit organisations and people by means of grants and subsidies in order to conduct national and international cultural activities.
  • Training of culture professionals:
    Granting of scholarships and grants for advanced courses and specialisation activities as well as specialisation in matters within the scope of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport 's responsibilities.
  • Co-operation and communication with the Autonomous Communities:
    Stimulation and co-ordination between the Spanish Central Administration and the Autonomous Communities of cultural communication bodies, such as the Sectorial Conference of Culture and the Council of St James, and participation in cultural projects to encourage co-operation between the different Autonomous Communities and strengthen the presence of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in different parts of the country.
  • Information and advice:
    Through the participation in the European Commission's "Culture 2000" programme.


  • Preparation, use and dissemination:
    Preparing the statistics operations for which the department is responsible, making use of the relevant statistics operations specifically for the cultural field and disseminating the most significant statistic results in the area if culture, in order to provide indicators of the social and economic importance of the sector.


  • Setting of quality measures:
    To improve the management by the Office for Foundations and Patronage in its relationship with the cultural foundations.
  • Information:
    Creation of information channels to inform possible beneficiaries of the activities and projects of interest conducted by the cultural foundations.
  • Promotion:
    Publicity of the data held by the Cultural Foundations Register.


  • Promoting Books:
    By maintaining the Spanish books and publishers databases through the Spanish ISBN Agency; with calls for subsidies to support publication and translation; carrying out exhibitions and studies on the book sector and participating in fairs, forums and international bodies.
  • Promoting Reading:
    Through reading promotion and encouragement campaigns; developing programmes for children and young people to encourage reading habits; subsidies for promotion of reading initiatives and donating books and magazines to public libraries and other institutions.
  • Promoting Spanish Literature:
    By granting National Awards to the most outstanding Spanish authors and their works; fostering literary activities at secondary schools and universities; developing programmes to introduce young readers to the classics and commemorating the centenaries of the great writers.


  • Promotion and consolidation of the Network of State Museums:
    Actions directed at strengthening the Network of State Museums, whose first objective is to bring into effect the new State-owned Museums Regulations, and administrative and organic restructuring to provide the Museums with all the human resources necessary for its smooth running and adaptation to the Regulation.
  • Acquisition, conservation, exhibition, research and communication of the Museum collections:
    The Office of State Museums provides the technical, human and economic resources needed for to correctly fulfil these five functions that define museums as institutions open to the public.
  • Promotion of Museums:
    Actions targeted at bringing Museums closer to society through educational and quality programmes, as well as a wide choice of cultural and leisure activities which enable smooth communication channels.
  • Infrastructure:
    Actions that affect all of the Museum buildings in terms of installations and equipment. Adjustments, space and functional improvements for museum uses.
  • Co-operation:
    Actions framed within co-operation and co-ordination between the administrations and the competent bodies regarding museums at a national and international level.

Historical heritage

  • Protection of the Historical Heritage:
    Through the establishment and maintenance of legal mechanisms to surveil against plundering and illegal export in Spain; this is made possible through the improvement of tools used for cataloguing, inventory, register and asset documentation.
  • Enrichment of national collections:
    Channelling of different forms of acquiring cultural assets of state-owned museums, libraries and archives.
  • Investment in Historical Heritage:
    Every year they finance works for the conservation and acquisition of Spanish Historical Heritage assets, as well as promoting artistic creativity, through the cultural 1%.
  • Co-ordination and communication between the Autonomous Communities:
    The Autonomous Communities have assumed responsibilities in the field of historical heritage protection and have drawn up their own legislation. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is obliged to collaborate and act as the co-ordinator between them, especially through the Historical Heritage Council.
  • International co-operation:
    Through the relationships established with all the bodies involved in heritage management at a European and world-wide level; the promotion of international action programmes concerning Heritage and commitment to the fulfilment of the obligations stipulated by the International Convention on Cultural Heritage which was ratified by Spain.
  • Conservación y restauración:
    El Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural de España realiza estudios previos, planes directores y proyectos de intervención para la conservación de los bienes culturales, con el fin de prever y programar actuaciones pluridisciplinares. Anualmente se realizan unas trescientas intervenciones de conservación y restauración sobre todo tipo de patrimonio de titularidad pública, prioritariamente de titularidad estatal. Se priorizan las actuaciones que son interdisciplinares, innovadoras y tienen un componente importante de investigación.
  • Investigación:
    El Instituto de Patrimonio cultural de España promueve y financia unos cincuenta proyectos de investigación arqueológica en una veintena de países distintos. Estos proyectos son seleccionados en una convocatoria abierta a la que concurren propuestas elaboradas por universidades o centros de investigación de toda España. El IPCE fomenta también la investigación en el campo de la conservación y restauración del patrimonio, así como la de carácter histórico o científico asociada a intervenciones de restauración.
  • Formación:
    Se desarrollan actividades de formación de postgrado en colaboración con universidades, y de formación continua profesional con asociaciones profesionales. Esta actividad se desarrolla tanto en la sede central del IPCE en Madrid, como en la Escuela de Patrimonio Histórico de Nájera y en países de Iberoamérica, en colaboración con la AECID. El IPCE ofrece también becas y estancias en prácticas con el fin de completar la formación de profesionales de la conservación y de la gestión del patrimonio cultural.
  • Documentación:
    La Biblioteca, el Archivo y la Fototeca del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España constituyen un conjunto de fondos documentales imprescindible para el conocimiento de la conservación y restauración del Patrimonio Histórico. Su consulta está abierta a todos los ciudadanos y, se puede consultar on line el catálogo de la biblioteca, la base de planos digitalizados y una parte de los fondos la Fototeca.

Art promotion

  • Promotion of culture and Cultural Heritage:
    Organisation of temporary exhibitions, conferences, fairs, festivals; offer of travelling exhibitions for their promotion both nationally and internationally.
  • Promotion of artistic creation:
    Subsidies for the promotion of Spanish art, the Velazquez award, and national awards for plastic arts and photography.
  • Training in exhibition management:
    Organisation of educational workshops and training courses in management and co-ordination of exhibitions targeted at professionals in this sector.
  • Coo-operation with other public and private institutions:
    Through technical advice and participation in exhibitions, through signing co-operation agreements.
  • Information for citizens:
    Through the exhibitions database and the creation and co-ordination of the Guide of artistic photography resources in Spain.

Intellectual Property

  • Legislative action:
    Adaptation of the Intellectual Property regulation to adapt the national legislation on the matter of technological reality and to include the international regulation.
  • Communication:
    With the professional and industrial sectors of production and promotion of the creations.
  • Co-operation:
    With the pertinent national and international bodies.
  • Defence and protection of Intellectual Property:
    Organisation of awareness campaigns to fight against activities that violate Intellectual Property, with the co-operation of collective management entities of intellectual property rights and other similar institutions, and the co-ordination of the territorial registers through the Central Register.

Publications, Information and Documentation

  • Publications:
    Promote the Ministry's activities and the research conducted by its units in their different fields of competence through publications in all types of media, especially in electronic media, promoting its distribution and marketing.
  • Information:
    Provide citizens with access to the information about the Ministry's services and activities through all types of communication channels, developed with quality and modernisation criteria through the use of new technologies. The Citizens Information Centre is the unit of reference.
  • Documentation:
    Gather all bibliographic and documentary resources on different subjects within the area of culture, promoting these resources through electronic publications and providing users with specialised services.

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